Setting Up Your Email Program Manually
Select your operating system and email program for instructions on setting up your email program:


Windows Mail for Vista

Outlook Express 6.0

Outlook Express 5.0

Outlook 2007

Outlook 2003

Outlook 2002

Outlook 2000

Netscape 7.0

Netscape 6.x

Thunderbird 1.5

Eudora 7

Mac OS X

Mail for Mac 1.3 (and up)

Mail for Mac 1.2

Mail for Mac 1.1

Netscape 7

Netscape 6.x

Eudora 5.x and above

Entourage 2004


Mac (Classic)

Outlook Express 5.0

Entourage 2001

Netscape 7

Netscape 6

Eudora 5.x and above